How can businesses make decisions on energy when everything is in transition?

As the world transitions to net zero, businesses are having to adapt from being part of a static energy system to one that is rapidly changing.

Max van Someren

9/22/20232 min read

Remember the old days, before we had heard of the energy transition?

The environment for businesses who produced and consumed energy was (relatively) stable.

Want to make money selling oil? Borrow some money, drill a well, and sell your product into the market. See an opportunity to manufacture a new widget? Build a factory, run it on electricity from the grid and ship out trucks of widgets to your customers.

The way businesses generated and consumed energy was almost completely static - decades could pass without much changing.

The Energy Transition is changing all that, and fast. Today, over 96% of the direct emissions from ASX200 companies are from a business with a target of Net Zero by 2050, or earlier [1].

The need to reduce emissions is driving big changes in how businesses produce and consume energy. The static world of energy has gone. For businesses, each year will be different to the one before.

Renewable sources of energy offer a pathway to meeting businesses emissions targets. But they also bring the challenge of variability in the supply of energy. This is a system which is changing hour by hour.

factories with smoke under cloudy sky
factories with smoke under cloudy sky
man holding solar panel on roof
man holding solar panel on roof

In short, energy systems are far more dynamic than they have ever been. That's why we founded Causal Dynamics.

Causal Dynamics exists to help business leaders make decisions on energy systems based on an understanding of how the system will actually operate over the coming hours, years and decades. We believe decisions should be made from rigorous analysis using cutting edge tools and techniques, not assumptions and guesswork.

Our team brings together expertise in artificial intelligence, energy systems modelling and engineering analytics to enable businesses to make energy system decisions based on facts, not opinions.

Our aim is to help you navigate the complexity of technology selection and investment decision-making on future energy systems. Examples of what we can do include:

  • Artificial intelligence: Optimizing the portfolio of renewable energy generation and storage assets to deliver lowest cost of hydrogen for a West Australian green hydrogen project.

  • Energy systems modelling: Identifying the least-cost, least-risk way for an energy intensive minerals processing business to transition to zero emission operations between now and 2050.

  • Engineering analytics: Assessing and optimizing the power output of a novel wave energy converter.

Bringing together all these capabilities in one company means we can deliver a complete assessment of the performance and financial returns of any system that relies on energy to deliver value.

No business can opt out of the energy transition. Our capabilities enable our customers to minimise their future energy risks, maximise their returns, and get the energy transition done.

Want to provide feedback, or learn more about our capabilities? You can contact us at .

[1] Climateworks Centre (2022), 1.5°C climate goal: How does the ASX200 stack up in 2022?